
7 Must-Have Hair Care Products for Girls

Category: Beauty | Thursday, May 6

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I get so many questions about Blakely's hair! I honestly haven't done much or used any specific hair care products for Blakely until about a year ago. That's when I started using more "grown up" hair care products in her hair (verses baby shampoo). I still use Honest shampoo most of the time, but I do mix it up! I think a huge help is using the elastic hair tie remover. This helps me not pull her hair (ouch!) and also prevents more breakage. 

best hair care products

To prevent tangles while she sleeps, I braid her hair before bed. This is the best hair care for kids really helps prevent insane tangles that are misery to get out. When she does have more tangles, I use THIS brush and THIS detangler to help make it less painful for her. 

hair care tips

I mean look at this girls hair! She looks like a teenager. (You can see this family photoshoot HERE.)

Blakely skips washing her hair about every other day and I rarely put any heat on her hair to prevent damaged hair. But other than that, she was just born with this hair! Haha. She loves her long hair and so do I! It's so much fun when she lets me style it (on a rare occasion lol). All the products we use on her hair are linked below!

Love, Stef

hair care tips, hair care products, best hair products, best fair products for damaged hair

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