
Go-To Essential Oil Blends

Category: Home | Thursday, October 8

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I have been an essential oils fan for a few years now. To be honest, I kind of go through phases with it. Truth is, I definitely notice a difference when I use them! I have a diffuser in the kitchen. When, I have that baby on all the time. I also have an essential oils diffuser in all of our rooms and use nighttime blends to help with sleep, relaxation, etc. The kids love their diffusers and have so much fun putting the oils in themselves. (It's the little things.)

essential oils for coughs

If someone is fighting a cough, cold or really any flu-like symptoms, I use specific essential oil blends for that. I suffer from migraines and if I feel a slight headache before bed, I use a blend to help with my headaches. I also love using a peppermint blend if anyone has a tummy ache. Ryder has gone through phases of night terrors (they are so scary and I feel so terrible for him) and when I use blends to help him relax, they seem to help.

essential oils

I have tried several brands of essential oils and will link what we use below. I love this adorable kid roller kit. The kids love this. And I also keep a diffuser in my car (especially in the fall and winter).

essential oil blends

My Go-To Essential Oil Blends:

Morning refresher:

Wild orange, peppermint


Peppermint, cinnamon, rosemary


Lemon, lime, peppermint, rosemary, eucalyptus, on guard


Peppermint, frankincense, lavender

Tummy ache:

Lavender, wild orange, peppermint

Daily Blend/Germ Buster:

On guard, lemon, melaleuca


Lavender, wild orange, cedar wood, on guard, serenity

You can shop our go-to essentials oils and diffusers below. Click arrows on either side to scroll through items.

Love, Stef

essential oils, essential oil recipes, essential oil blends, essential oils combinations, essential oils for cough

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