
TJ's High School Graduation {Class of 2023}

Category: Lifestyle | Wednesday, May 24

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TJ has officially graduated from high school! Tooth and I are so freaking proud of this kid. He had a wonderful Senior year! He was elected Student Body President, which was incredible! If you're local, then you know how huge Cherry Creek High School is making this accomplishment even more impressive.

high school graduation

He went on to become Homecoming King! Like father, like son. He was an amazing leader this year and won a Senior award for his leadership. We are so proud of him and I am so grateful for an amazing Senior year for Teej. 


As the Student Body President, TJ gave the opening speech at his graduation. This was a five minute (memorized) speech in front of 11,000 people! *gasp* He absolutely nailed it! This speech brought me (and Grandma Hubble) to tears. 

blended family

TJ really is equal parts stud and sweet. He's always had the kindest heart. Being his stepmom and raising this kid alongside Tooth has been one of the greatest gifts of my life. 


(I love this dress! It comes in several colors and patterns and I can't recommend it enough.)

Our family is so excited for him and all his future holds. This excitement comes with a side of sadness as we know we won't be seeing him every week. Going out of state for college is so incredible ,but we sure will miss him beyond words. This sweet kid will always be the tiny, smiley, happy, goofy 4-year-old I met 14+ years ago in my mind.



Love, Stef

graduation, grad, high school graduation

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About Stef Hubble

Hey there! I'm Stef. Welcome to my lifestyle blog where I talk about everything from travel, style, home, holiday fun with kids, and everything in between! I started my blog in 2015 right before my daughter was born as a way to document life and family (previously known as What's Up Buttarcup). So glad you're here!

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CEO of the House

When you wear your CEO of the House apparel, let it be a reminder of your role in your family. As women, may we remember what an honor and privilege it is to be a daughter of the Creator. In this confusing world, let us be filled with faith and confidence as we lean into our feminine roles in our home. Through Christ, we are equipped to make decisions and guide our families to live counter-culturally.

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